Do You Suffer From Imbalanced Hormones?
Females are in the middle of an unspoken epidemic. A shocking 80% of women of all ages will struggle with hormone or gynecological problems at some point (or for the unfair few MANY POINTS) within our lifetime. These problems are significant enough to disrupt our daily lives, careers, and overall health.
Now you may be wondering—do I fall within this 80% of women? So here is a list of Hormone Related Conditions:
*Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
*Fatigue/Low Energy
*Hormonal Migraines and headaches
*Menstrual Cramps
*Monthly breast tenderness and lumps
*Sleep problems
*Thyroid problems
*Weight gain
*Anxiety or depression
*Cervical dysplasia (abnormal cellular changes)
*Chronic vaginal infections
*Cravings (Sugar/carbs/salt)
*Irritability, mood swings, depression
*Family or personal history of breast, endometrial, or other gynecological cancers
*Hair Loss
*Irregular, skipped, or painful periods
*Low (or no) sex drive
*Peri-menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, vaginal dryness, low libido)
*Osteopenia or osteoporosis
*Prenatal or Postpartum depression
*menstrual problems
This is NOT a shortlist. Each and every one of the above-mentioned concerns are a factor in our hormones.
Because understanding the multitude of ebbs and flows within the female endocrine system is a Ph.D. of its own, many physicians have a basic understanding. See the basic answers to questions, and suggest the basic tests they know to do so. Unless it is a disease, cancer, or a medical condition they can treat with pills/surgery, it is not common for them to investigate further.
Many brush women aside as if we are being hysterical or exaggerating our symptoms/feelings/sensations. Blaming our HORMONES— saying we are hormonal. Funny enough it is our hormones that are out of sorts-however IT IS BLAMED on our menstrual cycle never taking into account the other plethora of hormonal imbalances we need to take into account.
Now before I go further into this-I am an RN and have worked in a hospital and with doctors for over 14 years. I STRONGLY believe in western medicine. I also STRONGLY believe that there is a lot to do with our daily living that can prevent/treat and manage our health concerns. I wish we had more of what I like to call a ‘Central View’ of Healthcare. Pairing Western and Eastern practices, trusting the wisdom in both.
Despite the fact that I have worked in healthcare as long as I have, I ALSO have been dismissed, shown — exasperated sighs, and told these things are not of concern when I broach my qualms with various doctors over the years, which is why I began my own research.
I studied under experts in hormone health in regard to women and became certified in Functional Health and Nutrition. During this venture, I loved to pair my knowledge with skin. Though it has become more and more apparent that my knowledge could help all females who have felt dismissed in more regards than just skin concerns. In fact, my knowledge could help MANY women with almost all of their ailments, in all stages of life.
I would love for you to follow along this next month— learn a few tips and tricks you can try and apply. When you see the value of what I am offering, join my waitlist for my upcoming program so that you can apply at ANY STAGE of life. Your hormonal revolution is just a few months away.
My promise to you all: Wake up with more energy and vitality, Love your skin, not dread your period, have body confidence, and feel vibrantly sexy.
That is the result of the Wellness Revolution.
Follow along on via email and on IG—turn your notifications on and stay tuned ladies xo