Burning out? Or is it Adrenal Fatigue? Your 5 tips to Heal.
It's not uncommon for women to want it all. The house, the family, the career, the glorious social life, the body and more.
This constant strive for perfection leads us to the inevitable burnout. We are taught to wear this as a badge of honour. But it is far from anything to be proud of; what we need to become proud of is setting healthy boundaries and truly living our lives- while appreciating our personal goals.
Take a minute with me and really read the below options—Mentally tally how many you say yes too.
Do you suffer from:
Dark under-eye circles
Difficulty Sleeping
Irregular Menstrual Cycle
Body aches and pains - not associated with exercise
General tiredness/fatigue
Low Blood Pressure
Digestion problems -alternating between constipation and diarrhea
Difficulty concentrating
Dry and thin skin
Unexplained Hair Loss
Poor memory
Tendency to gain weight/hard time losing weight